Maximise Your Team Potential

Propellor guides your team to best serve your business, bringing clarity and focus into every area of their working day every day

Smart Task Management

Adding new tasks is easy; Propellor uses hashtags, @ signs, identifies days and times as you type. Choose how you prioritise your work, by deadline, by action, or by customer

Time Management

Use best practice to manage your time, group tasks together, and delegate to others. Prioritise tasks as 'frogs' to ensure they are the first thing you do

Lose the Post-Its

Easily pass messages back and forth ensuring they are never forgotten. Its easier to type a task in Propellor than write it down!

Choose your workspace

Ever wanted to move desks so you could focus on just one area of work? Propellor allows you to virtually clear your desk, and work on just what you want to work on.

Your Team, With Wings

The most successful companies have great teams, able to work together and build on each others strengths. Propellor enables your team to easily understand their individual work as well as what they need to do for the team.

Share and Delegate Work

Easily share tasks with your team mates, delegate tasks without losing ownership, and even share tasks with customers, suppliers or any other associates


Comments can be added to tasks so you see a history and also accountability or problems as they occur


Let Propellor notify you when a task is at risk of missing its deadline, so you can allocate resources. Even better, your team can work together to complete it

Team Spaces

Organise your teams so that they can see team tasks as well as their own, covering for absent colleagues so team KPI's can still be met

Is Propellor right for your business? Try it for Free today!

Business on Purpose

With many ways to get an overview of your business you can start to work towards goals, rather than hope for good results

Custom Dashboards

Dashboards show you an easy overview of your business and anything that may need focusing on to meet your goals

Key Performance Indicators

Include important measurements that determine how your team and your business is doing. What you measure you manage!

Areas of Impact

Your competitive advantage is usually based on how you differentiate your business from others. Include these areas of impact in Propellor, shaping the software around what's important to you


Propellor lets you know when there are issues you need to check out, or lets you know when your team has had great results

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